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Através do Neurofeedback, crianças e adultos podem controlar o déficit de atenção, a hiperatividade e a ansiedade sem o uso de medicação http://revistacorpore.com.br/novo_portal/revista/como-tratar-o-tdah-de-modo-natural/
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Abstract: There is growing interest in neurofeedback as a treatment for major depressive disorder. Reduction of asymmetry of alpha-activity between left and right prefrontal areas with neurofeedback has been postulated as effective in earlier studies. Unfortunately, methodological shortcomings limit conclusions that can be drawn from these studies. In a pilot-study, we investigated the effectiveness of reduction of asymmetry of alpha-activity with neurofeedback in depressed participants with the use of a stringent methodological approach.
ABSTRACT: Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of 2 computer attention training systems administered in school for children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
EEG-neurofeedback for optimising performance. III: A review ofmethodological and theoretical considerationsJohn
Objective: In the present study, we investigated how the electrical activity in the sensorimotor cortex contributes to improved cognitive processing capabilities and how SMR (sensorimotor rhythm, 12–15 Hz) neurofeedback training modulates it. Previous evidence indicates that higher levels of SMR activity reduce sensorimotor interference and thereby promote cognitive processing.
Jaime A. Pineda, Karen Carrasco, Mike Datko, Steven Pillen and Matt Schalles
Palavras-chave: Neurofeedback; neurociências; clínica psicológica.